About Me

I have been drawing and painting since I was a kid. Yep, that's me in 1974 when I was 5. The youngest of 3, I was always trying to keep up with my brother and sister. When I was 4 years old, a popular cereal company ran an art contest for kids, and my siblings entered their awesome art. Being the sensitive Pisces that I am, I cried because I couldn't create something as well as they did. My mother sat me down, and encouraged me to just paint whatever I wanted. I drew a swirly design and colored it in with bright colors. My brilliant mother thought of a creative slogan to put on my art that read, "Eat a good breakfast and you'll be the best artist in nursery school!"... which won me the contest! - $5 a week for a whole year!! (not too shabby for a 4 year old in the early 70's! - Thanks Mom!)
I was hooked! From that point on, I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. I'm not sure if I'm grown up yet, but I am giving it a go at being an artist.
I love to create art and experiment with all forms. I create both traditional and digital art. I am also an author and enjoy writing stories for children. Most recently, I published a children's book I wrote and illustrated titled Adventures at Breyer Woods: The Case of the Missing Necklace, which is the first book in a series. I also illustrated a children's book, Jackson and the Dragon's Lair, which written by EC Flickinger and published August 2023, available on Amazon. Additionally, I authored and illustrated a humor gift book, The Anti-Cooking Bible: 50 Ways to Get Out of Cooking in 2019 - written under my other name Maureen Ann Clarke, also available on Amazon.
I am a mom, wife, dog mom, artist, nature lover. My husband and I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA.